Abzas Media, a human rights-focused online media outlet in Azerbaijan, has been at the forefront of investigating corruption within Azerbaijani authorities. Recently, the organization’s journalists, including Nargiz Absalamova, Hafiz Babali, and Elnara Gasimova, have faced severe judicial harassment, being detained on charges of money smuggling. These charges are widely seen as politically motivated, aimed at silencing critical voices against the government.

The shrinking space for human rights defenders (HRDs) and NGOs in Azerbaijan, coupled with legislative amendments that place HRD activities under strict governmental control, indicates a growing authoritarian trend. The imprisonment of journalists from Abzas Media highlights the risks faced by those exposing corruption and fighting for transparency.

This climate of repression not only stifles freedom of expression but also perpetuates corruption by discouraging investigative journalism. The international community has repeatedly called for the release of detained journalists and the cessation of judicial harassment against them, emphasizing the need for Azerbaijan to uphold democratic principles and human rights.